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The fold lines in the mat always show, so it’s super easy to follow exactly where to fold every time. Literally fold in half, fold in half again, then roll! These mats are launching tomorrow night! 3mx3m recycled plastic woven picnic/camping mats! So easy to shake or hose off and comes in a recycled plastic carry bag! We will also have a small amount of large heavy duty carry bags as an optional add on. The heavy duty bags can easily fit 2 of these mats in them and also bits and pieces like towels, hats, spades etc for your day out! 🙌🏻 . . . . . . . #unparalleledcomfort #fzpin #fromzion #lifestooshorttobeuncomfortable #nobetterfeeling #quietinchaos #restandflourish #wearitwednesday #tryontuesday #weekendstyle #tonaldressing #myootd #wiwtoday #livemoremagic #whowhatwearing #aboutalook #mumfashion #imwearing #australianstyle #makersgonnamake #aussiemum #taptoshop #childrenfashion #organickids #sustainablekids #minimefashion #ministyle #smallshoplove #mamamade Ps. Dress is from @loveaffairboutique 🥰

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