Crazy Kids & What to do with all that time during school holidays...
Apart from looking super cute and being comfy in their new season FZ, I've included a list of things in this blog that we (Ben, Myself, Zion & Lacey) are going to do during the next 3 weeks!
I have printed out this list, cut up each line/idea, folded them up and put them in a jar for the kids to randomly select each day. If the activity selected doesn't work for that day (eg. its raining) then you just pop it back and select the next one!
I'll be doing stories of this and all the fun things that we are doing over on the @fromzion_ Instagram. So make sure you're watching and tag me if you are doing any of these things! I'd love to see your adventures too!

Tip: You can print this blog and cut up these ideas to put into a jar too!

  • Invite friends over to play
  • Bake cupcakes
  • Make a cubby house under the dining room table
  • Make homemade pizza.
  • Dance to music.
  • Make an inside obstacle course with cushions, pillows, boxes, chairs and blankets.
  • Ice biscuits.
  • Make a themed play space: in a large rectangle bucket or tray create your own play scene. For example: use a smaller container (like an empty margarine container) filled with water, and in the rectangle bucket place rocks, small twigs, bark or sticks from trees for an outdoor scene.
  • Hang a sheet from a trampoline to make an outside cubby house.
  • Fly crepe streamers in the wind.
  • Make an outside obstacle course. 
  • Do a treasure hunt with written clues
  • Collect leaves and colour rub them onto paper
  • Colour-in. You can print a variety of colouring in sheets online.
  • Make boats out of milk bottle lids, a straw (for the mast), paper (for the sail) and blue-tack to stick the sail on to the boat.
  • Glue cut out pictures from a magazine or junk mail to a piece of paper.
  • Make a long paper-clip chain.
  • Go see a movie.
  • Eat a big ice-cream.
  • make and Fly a kite.
  • Have a picnic outside with friends
  • Plan a day trip: animal farm, market, drive up a mountain etc
  • Visit someone lonely.
  • Collect shells on the beach.
  • Go ten tin bowling.
  • Look for free activities at a shopping centre.
  • Go for a walk or bike-ride
  • Look at the stars.
  • Walk on the beach at dusk
  • Go on a nature walk down your street with a torch.
  • Have a movie night. You can make your own popcorn cups by making a cone shape with a piece of paper and taping it together.
  • Toast marshmallows in the fire pit with friends
  • Eat at a family restaurant.
  • Go to an indoor play centre.
  • Play in the rain.
  • Go for a drive in the car.
  • Play board/card games 
  • Watch a DVD at home.
  • Stay in your PJs all day.
  • Make a “city” with cars, toys and boxes for buildings.
  • Have “rest” time where everyone plays quiet games like reading or puzzles on their own bed.
July 03, 2019 — Jasmin Adams