Conscious Decisions
We believe in progress not perfection.
New ownership, same important message.
We’ve never claimed to be a perfect brand, but what we do desire to be is a BETTER brand. Better than we were yesterday; and tomorrow, we hope to be better than today. This desire has caused us to look deep into everything that we do at FZ and make sure that we take responsibility for what we CAN control. A huge part of what we know we can control is our level of transparency. We don’t want to be a brand that is all talk with nothing to show… So here is our attempt to help you understand the future of FZ and allow you to come on the journey with us.
We have some of our product manufactured in China, with the same manufacturer we have used since the beginning. He is a small family owned company and we just adore him! When he informed us that our quantities were getting too large for his team and was putting them under too much pressure to keep up with stock demands, we realised we needed to relieve the pressure from his team by finding a second manufacturer. This is where Taiwan entered the conversation.
Some of our product is now Manufactured in Taiwan. Everyone responsible for manufacturing our garments are paid 15% above industry standards. They are allocated 45 minutes for lunch PLUS a 45 minute nap during the day. With every hour of overtime that they choose to work, they get paid half a days pay (I know… that’s amazing!). Employees are all in house employees and have permanent legally binding contracts with pension + medical insurance (Having a secure employment contract is super important for most employees because it guarantees the right to social security). There are also female supervisors + managers in charge, which is a HUGE leap forward for their culture.
Already you will have noticed our garments are made from Bamboo which is a natural, sustainable fibre with incredible benefits for you and the planet. We also currently use reusable biodegradable bamboo bags and are now looking at improving our postage satchels to biodegradable and compostable bags in an effort to reduce harmful waste where we can, plus many more things to come.
A Better Future
These changes in better manufacturing standards, better processes and better products will see an increase in the price for some of our items in our collections moving forward. This was not an easy decision, however what made it easier is knowing that by supporting real people, real families, who love their jobs and leave with a genuine smile on their face, we are investing into a better future. We understand that this may not be ideal for some, but we know that by raising the standard in an industry that is often abused, we raise the value. Our mission is to bring you ‘Unparalleled Comfort’, not just in product, but comfort in knowing that when you shop with us, you ADD value to the world, not take it away.
We value people. We value you. We are not perfect, but we choose to get better. ARE YOU WITH US?
Below are some images from founders visit to Taiwan (Jasmin & Ben Adams)
We want to continue to spread awareness as the new owners of FROM ZION (Tahlia McCaffrey + Kiarna McAuley) to reiterate to our customers, and our community that the way our clothing is produced is a MASSIVE point of difference with FZ as a whole. Our brand prides itself on it's ethics and it's ability to support incredible working conditions with offshore manufacturing.